Your year in concerts

Joe Rivett
Published in
2 min readFeb 16, 2018


Everyone loves to reminisce about their past concerts, right?

With the new year came the idea that it would be pretty cool to have a playlist that would take me through all the artists I saw in concert last year. Not a new idea — in fact, one member of our customer support team here at Songkick manually makes a playlist every year with exactly that (which is not easy when he went to over 60 concerts).

But given that we use Songkick to keep track of every concert we go to, surely this playlist is something that could be made automatically using our concert attendance history?

At Songkick we have a handy API that allows anyone to build applications powered by our live music data, and over the years many of my fellow software developers have used it when building small music-related apps for fun. Then we have the thousands of developers all over the world who use it for school projects, hobby experiments or full-blown commercial integrations (think Spotify and BBC Music), including some of our favourites: Songkick Away and Find your best festival.

So I used the new year as an incentive to have a play around with the Songkick API myself and decided to build a simple service that created a Spotify playlist based on every concert I went to in 2017.

The end result? Songkick Year in Concerts: Take it for a spin and build your own 2017 gig playlist.

Whilst the end result isn’t perfect, it’s definitely got a few of us at Songkick HQ feeling pretty nostalgic about 2017.

Want to build something with our music data? Apply for a Songkick API key!

