To kill a tracking

Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2017


Lo, behold: we’ve added new features. As of today, we’ve made it even easier to manage the artists you’re tracking, so you get more life-changing concert alerts (and less face-palming ones).

Everyone’s Songkick is different. Some of us are primed for the second coming of Daft Punk, others are following Chic across continental Europe. The point is, it’s personalization that makes Songkick great. No spam, no noise — just the sweet, golden concert alerts you asked for that make your day great.

So on the off chance we nudge you about a band you’re not so keen on, we’ve made it even easier to update your tracked artists on the fly. In two ways, no less.

First up: a ‘stop tracking’ button in your digest emails (pause for slow clap from the folks who requested this in ’07). One nifty click and we won’t bother you about said artist again in future.

Meanwhile, over on iOS we’ve made it easier (cough, less annoying) to manage your artists. Now you can soar through your list like Michael Flatley, Lord Of The Dance and select any unwanted artists with a single tap.

So easy. (Sorry, Cocteau Twins)

Check it out and let us know what you think! We’re all ears at @songkick.

